Egg Baked Food Challenge

Started by kwc, June 21, 2016, 02:11:58 PM

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After 4+ years with no reactions and lower test numbers, our 15 year old completed his challenge yesterday.  It was heartbreaking.  Several hours, and 2 muffins later, he completed the challenge.  However, he started experiencing stomach aches with approx. 3 doseages left.  Empty stomach and lot of water plus muffins were some possible causes.  With a stomach ache and being told he passed we were given a sheet saying which foods with eggs he could try.  We went out to the SUV and he laid down in the seat.  Said stomach was hurting and just wanted to lay there.  As a Dad I said we have to go back in.  Epi, Prednesone and about 3 minutes later stomach pains subsided.  Told to shred the sheet with foods with eggs.  Devastating!!!!! Anybody with similar story? 


We had another member with a very similar story just this week.  I'm so sorry for your son's failed challenge.  :-[
DS - peanut, tree nut, milk, eggs, corn, soy, several meds, many environmentals. Finally back on Xolair!
DD - mystery anaphylaxis, shellfish.
DH - banana/avocado, aspirin.  Asthma.
Me - peanut, tree nut, shellfish, banana/avocado/latex,  some meds.


I'm so sorry. It can be really hard emotionally to go through a challenge--and especially to fail it. :-/
DS: 🥜, 🍤


Yep, thing is I think he is taking it better than my wife and I.  His younger brother, 12, has same egg allergy and at 15 says, well, I don't miss something I never had.  Hopefully both can pass eventually.  I have been reading similar stories with almost identical symptoms with the challenge.  Whoever has one coming up soon, good luck.



 :grouphug:  I'm so sorry, kwc.   I do sometimes think that we were SO blessed to have an allergist that didn't push for an 'unconditional' pass or fail on a challenge. 

DD would never have passed a full challenge initially.  Not a chance.
Resistance isn't futile.  It's voltage divided by current. 

Western U.S.


Very sorry and understand your feelings.

So glad you trusted your instincts, they are spot on.

Stomach is the first place my DD feels egg and she will compare other stomach pain to it and say, this is "not like the egg pain".  Only one other food caused a similar feeling, sesame, which she is highly allergic too.

Our story was that DD passed a baked challenge, 6 months later passed a direct egg challenge, and about 3 months later reacted to egg but weeks before began not wanting to eat any and complaining "eating egg hurt her stomach"  (doctor poo poo'd that.....NEVER again!). 

For her, she was never truly not allergic.  In mother terms, I believe her body was able to process a small amount of egg until it decided enough was enough!

Today, at 16, she does tolerate baked egg but it must meet the full criteria of being mixed with wheat protein and baked at a high temp for longer than 10 minutes. 

Has your son's system settled down yet from the reaction?


Yes, he was fine the following morning.  Made in sleep in our room to keep close eye on him.  I do have another question concerning reactions to skin contact.  Our 12 year old does not want to have any food with egg around him (I don't blame him) and does not want to be around anybody eating a sandwich with a bun that has eggs.  We have never tested either of them for 'contact' allergy to eggs and both are hesitant.  Anybody know the probably of a reaction to just contacting foods with eggs to the skin?  Our 15 year old that just failed the baked egg challenge says he is not going to be tested.  Thoughts?


My son (almost 12) failed a baked egg challenge on Monday.  He ate an entire muffin (1/3 egg) and they waited.  At about 1.5 hours after finishing he got a stomach ache (same thing happened a few years ago).  They gave benadryl but it didn't help, Zantac did.  He fell asleep and the nurse woke him every few minutes to check him.  At one point he woke up on his own and said he was having trouble swallowing and felt a lump in his throat.  The allergist was ready with the Epi but gave zyrtec first and the symptoms resolved.  It was stressful and scary for my normally laid back son.  He is not sure he wants to try another baked egg challenge after this experience.  I am hoping after some time if he is offered another challenge he will do it.  Its hard when they get older bc we have to respect their wishes.  Glad your son bounced right back.  Mine did too - he was tired but happy the next day.

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