Home Introduction of Baked Milk in Children with a History
of Milk Allergy
K. E. Mudd, S. K. Driggers, E. C. Matsui, R. A. Wood;
Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.
QuoteHome Introduction of Baked Egg in Children with a History of
Egg Allergy
S. K. Driggers, K. E. Mudd, E. C. Matsui, R. A. Wood;
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.
Office Based Oral Desensitization of Patients With Anaphylactic
Sensitivity to Foods Is Safe and Effective
R. L. Wasserman1, L. E. Mansfield2, A. R. Gallucci1, H. R. Hutteman2,
A. M. Ruvalcaba2, N. A. Long1, D. M. Pence1;
1DallasAllergyImmunology, Dallas, TX, 2Allergy Asthma
Immunology El Paso, El Paso, TX.