Quote from: twinturbo on January 14, 2014, 02:37:58 PM
I did read their mission statement. I also looked over their resources, more closely a second time on the heels of your posting than Link's initial one. I still didn't get specifically what they do for a membership that can't be done elsewhere. It wasn't enough to really make me think of posting about it myself one way or another, but since it was brought up my thoughts are it's a crack team, but the resources are aggregated from other organizations like Anaphylaxis Canada.
Team Anaphylaxis I got from the name alone. It made immediate sense. What I do think is unique about FAACT and IMHO would be their most valuable contribution that is absolutely needed is their work with teens both now as teens and as a support for empowerment as they make the transition into adulthood. That generation of kids that first wave is coming of age. Empowering them to function in a world where they are essentially trailblazing is vital, helping them develop a voice for self-advocacy, the ability to determine for themselves, to organize themselves. Well, on that end I'm quite willing to cede what has been for the most part determined by an army of allergy moms to the ascending FA teens becoming adults to determine the course for themselves. That generational shift is coming might as well be as prepared as possible for it.
My two unsolicited pennies. The cheap questionably metal kind, not the solid copper ones.