Quote from: eggallergymom on October 28, 2011, 08:01:18 AM
Wow! That is a ton of good information, and the fact that she could get a flu shot is HUGE!
All of this makes me wonder about my DD's allergist, though. He said there's "no point" in testing her until age 12 or so, given how high her IgE levels were in the last round of blood testing (just before the biphasic anaphylaxis last year.) He doesn't think she's going to outgrow this allergy, and thinks the bloodwork at age 12 would confirm that. I, of course, am the eternal optimist and hope that even if she doesn't every completely outgrow it, there might be a time when she wouldn't anaphylax if there was an accidental exposure. She also has plenty of seasonal allergies, but he's never pursued those beyond telling us to give her Zyrtec. You all seem to have more thorough docs.