Quote from: rebekahc on May 13, 2014, 09:29:29 PM
I just did a little research on SIBO and it seems most of the symptoms you're having now don't really fit, so hopefully that means you've recovered. Were you treated with antibiotics? Did you do an elemental diet for a couple if weeks? From what I read, if you have/had SIBO, you should avoid proton pump inhibitors (Prilosec, Prevacid, etc.) unless a doctor advises you otherwise. Did your GI address the underlying cause of your SIBO?
Quote from: momma2boys on May 13, 2014, 08:29:11 PM
Maybe a weird question,but do you still have your gallbladder?
Quote from: lakeswimr on May 13, 2014, 07:33:36 PM
When you say your whole body shuts down when you have eggs, what do you mean? What exactly happens? How soon after you eat eggs does this happen?
Why did it cost you over $30000?Quote from: bamarine on May 13, 2014, 05:32:53 PM
1st off, thanks to everyone for helping!
Good question about the 30k? I have done every test known to man and those things add up. Then doctor A, after ordering 3k of tests, says, he can't help you so you're on to the next doc and so on. GI's want to endoscopy you upon meeting, I'd at least like if they bought me a drink first. I got my head checked too, just in case and that's cool except that sometimes I'm a poor poster (sorry guys above).
A Johns Hopkins doctor diagnosed me with SIBO (Small Intestinal Bowel Overgrowth) and i've been following therapy, diet, since seeing them last.
Egg reaction - about 6 hours after eating, i feel like I have to "think" about breathing. My sleep suffers and i'm pretty much bed-ridden for a day. I can't hear alarms, function....weird, but it happens. More on the rxn - I'll be breathing normally and it feels like my breathing goes down to about a straws area and i have to tilt my head upwards or pull on my throat for extra air. Then the GI gurgling/discomfort occurs along with headache/foggy mind/dizziness/difficulty focusing. Initially, GI discomfort is mild to unnoticeable, but on day 2, i'm sick to my stomach and until the "cloudy stool" passes - about 24 hours later, i'm waiting for it. If I increase breathing, then GI symptoms dismiss temporarily. It's weird.
-Feel free to keep asking q's
Quote from: bamarine on May 13, 2014, 05:32:53 PM
let me make this very clear and easy.
1. I believe I have an egg allergy
2. I came to this forum for help
3. I am still taking benadryl 3 days after a suspected cross contamination
- each time I take it, i feel much much better.
4. My question is to how long it takes for me to recover from an Immune reaction/Allergic reaction to eggs?
5. My second question is to whether the above symptoms are normal and possible while recovering?