The trip must make a unique contribution to the accomplishment of specific objectives of the course of study, classroom activity, or co-curricular club activity and/or provides special training that can be accomplished best at a location away from school. . . .
. . . confirm that the trip is part of a planned sequence of educational activities and is appropriate for the age of the students. . . .
At the middle and high school level three additional areas that must be considered when planning a field trip are
a. the number of students who will be missing direct instruction by the teacher who is on the field trip
b. the number of classes that are disrupted because of the absence of students who are on the field trip
c. the time students and teachers on the field trip will be missing from classes
. . . .
Student accountability, supervision, and safety are of utmost importance.
a. One teacher, coach, or staff member shall accompany each class or group of students on a field trip or when traveling to a contest or competition.
b. Additional adult chaperons should be provided on the basis of at least one adult to each ten (10) students.
c. Elementary students should have no unsupervised time while on a trip.
d. Middle and high school students may have limited unsupervised time while on a trip. . . .