Quote from: lakeswimr on September 13, 2014, 02:41:48 PM
The symptoms you listed are very serious and potentially life threatening. Do you have epi pens? Do you have an emergency plan? Here is a sample emergency plan. I like this much more than the grading chart.
As you can see, your reactions are typical anaphylactic reactions. If your allergist has not given you this type of information you need to find a new allergist in my opinion.
Are you saying that everything you eat other than the small list of foods has made you have the symptoms you listed? Are you avoiding anything based only on test results? A positive test does not mean a person is allergic. I test positive to lots of foods and I don't have any food allergies. My child has food allergies but also tests positive to foods to which he is not allergic. There is somewhere between a 55% to 86% false positive rate on testing so if you are avoiding some foods because a test showed you were "allergic" that alone is not reason enough to avoid a food. Testing is supposed to be used with reaction history to diagnose a food allergy.
A good allergist will work with you to be sure you really need to avoid all those foods and won't use just testing to diagnose food allergies.
There are some people who really do react to most foods or even all foods and to stay healthy they must drink hyperallergenic formula. If you are going to have this type of restricted diet you probably need to look into this option because you are missing important nutrients. Part of why you are not feeling well could be from being nutrient deficient.
I hope you find a doctor who specializes in food allergies. Not all allergists do. And not all allergists who do are good allergists.
Best wishes.