January 11, 2012
The Food and Drug Administration's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition and the Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition are sponsoring a Dietetics and Nutrition Webinar on March 5 and 6, 2012, from 11:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. The Webinar is designed for dietetic interns, students and faculty in dietetics and nutrition, and practitioners in dietetics, nutrition and other professional areas. Other interested parties may also participate. The purpose of the webinar is to communicate FDA's nutrition and regulatory activities that are relevant to the practice of nutrition and dietetics. Topics include food labeling, updating the nutrition facts panel, front of pack labeling, dietary guidance statements, infant formula regulations, medical foods, food ingredient safety, regulatory program for chemical contaminants in foods, dietary supplements, adverse events reporting and consumer research and education.
The Webinar is designed to be interactive with the audience. In addition to Q&A sessions at the end of each presentation, there will be case studies, quizzes and polls during the presentations. A fee of $25 will be charged per registration. To register, go to CFSAN/JIFSAN Food and Nutrition Workshop/Webinar1 2.
The tentative Webinar agenda is listed below:
March 5:
11:10AM Introduction to FDA and the Food and Nutrition Regulatory Process Barbara Schneeman
11:40 Food Labeling: ingredient labeling & Standards of Identity, and so-called Functional Foods Felicia Billingslea
12:05PM Break
12:10 Gluten-Free
Food Allergens Rhonda Kane
Steve Gendel