Quote from: lakeswimr on January 29, 2012, 07:37:43 PM
No epi at ER,either! Sounds like doc gave plan to only epi if breathing trouble. Waiting until then can be too late. This case chills me because the symptoms, although systemic, sound mild and I have failed to give the epi (against our plan) in various times when DS had similar mild symptoms. We were very lucky those times. I have driven to the ER when I should have epid and called 911. And the more times I did it and he was fine the more silly I felt giving the epi and calling 911, you know? This shows that it isn't the least bit silly. Systemic = epi and 911 and 4+ hour ER stay. I am drilling that into my head. I should print this news story and keep it with our emergency plan to remind me to be strong and follow the plan in the future if DS has another reaction. It is so easy to blow of more mild symptoms. Mild stomach ache and itchy mouth don't sound too bad but look at this story. So glad the child is OK!
Quote from: lakeswimr on January 27, 2012, 03:33:16 PM
This is so scary. There are times I should have epid and did not. The symptoms were minor but if I went strictly by our very conservative plan I would have epid. DS hates getting it and argues against it. The idea of being seemingly fine for that long with just minor symptoms (I read it as minor stomach ache and itchiness) to nearly dying in seconds is very scary.
This story is why I don't trust other people. I don't want any allergens at parties at all. I want my child fully included but if I can't be there I don't trust anyone else. I don't want anyone serving him food. I want him eating out of his lunch box or from a container I send that no one else touches. Being safe trumps being included. Checking food labels wasn't enough to keep this child safe. If he had had his own plastic container with food chances are he would not have accidentally eaten the granola bar.
Quote from: socks on a rooster on January 26, 2012, 11:38:51 PM
Wow, did Carefulmom nail it recently when she was saying in another thread how "safe" lists aren't very safe. This boy got someone's snack IN THE DARKENED ROOM watching a movie.