Quote from: PurpleCat on May 10, 2012, 01:46:39 PM
Please, please do not take this the wrong way!
After all your efforts if you create something like a binder - will your child actually use it?
What if something changed, how would you update it?
My DD would have a lot of excuses why she didn't have time, or forgot, or was already out and did not want to go "home" to check, blah blah and then there's me, banging my head against the wall.
Quote from: CMdeux on May 09, 2012, 05:41:56 PM
Well, that's what most of US have done for years, too, I suspect. It's just that now that it's time to start handing things over to our adolescents, we suddenly are realizing that our kids may have only a sort of nebulous sense of HOW we do all those things for them. KWIM?
Quote from: yelloww on May 09, 2012, 06:56:42 PM
CM, I'd pay you to make that binder for us went the time comes!!