Quotecarry - had severe reaction - 27 (61.4%)
carry - doctor recommended (no severe reaction) - 10 (22.7%)
carry - someone (not doctor) recommended (no severe reaction) - 2 (4.5%)
carry sometimes, when expecting to eat - 2 (4.5%)
don't carry - have NOT had severe reaction - 1 (2.3%)
don't carry - have had severe reaction0 (0%)other - please explain - 2 (4.5%)
Quote from: Macabre on May 18, 2012, 10:41:22 PM
May only select up to 7. lol
Quote from: CMdeux on May 18, 2012, 10:43:03 AM
Boys are harder. I can recall as a little kid, how much it ticked DD off to be constantly told "Cute Purse!!" about her epipen carrier. We went so far as to use a star-of-life emblem on it to differentiate it and limit those comments, but I can only imagine how much exponentially worse it would have been to have a boy hearing those things.
Now at 13, DD doesn't care that she's carrying a "purse" all the time. But I seriously look forward to the day when autoinjector devices are available which are: a) smaller, b) lighter, and c) generally more discreet/easier to carry.