Quote from: ajasfolks2 on June 06, 2012, 09:48:06 PM
So, if you have doc who will order these . . . what other questions might you ask as to what the results "mean" or do NOT "mean" so far as how to manage the LTFA? And/or how might this CHANGE the allergist's official "diagnosis" of LTFA/anaphylaxis to peanut?
What else to ask board certified allergist as to interpreting the results and ACTING on them?
Quote from: Ra3chel on May 31, 2012, 12:26:43 PM
My womb is wandering just looking at this. Then, again, I hear hysteria can be literacy-induced, which is why up-to-date medical science recommends that ladies avoid any activity more strenuous than embroidery and perhaps the occasional graceful swoon.
Quote from: CMdeux on May 29, 2012, 08:04:12 PM
GGA. What is this, the steampunk version of my life, now??
Because I'd have SWORN that this term was... er... not-very-politically-correct when used in ANY context by anyone associated, however tangentially, with the medical professions, given its EGREGIOUS past misuse and use as a cover for all sorts of nasty treatment (or lack of ANY treatment, for that matter) in women.