Quote from: YouKnowWho on August 29, 2012, 10:47:27 AM
I think some parents are afraid of bullying from either parents or other kids. It's kinda like an open door to letting others know what your personal kryptonite is, kwim?
Is it sad that I am less afraid of fights, violence, bullets, etc at school than I am of another child retaliating against mine by sprinkling crumbs in there food?
Yeah, my brain goes there.
Having said that - we are up front about our allergies and I am often called that mom. Shrug. Not a whole lot I can do about it. My kids are different and we have chosen to be vocal about it in an effort to change things.
I know the child was close mouthed to your child about his allergies but there is nothing saying that he is not open about it with those who might try to feed him (aka teachers, room parents, etc).