Cat allergy

Started by SilverLining, December 17, 2020, 09:41:51 PM

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DS has a question.

He is allergic to cats. The two he has been living with, he developed an immunity to the allergy. (Wrong term?) Now a 3rd cat has moved in. This specific cat has always bothered him more than most.

His question is: if he takes antihistamine will that make it take longer to develop the immunity?

He is planning to call doctor to talk about immunization shots.


In my non-scientific opinion, no it won't affect the possibility developing a tolerance because I think the antihistamine treats the symptoms rather than blocking the immune system from reacting. Just like we were always told Benadryl wasn't a treatment for anaphylaxis because it could mask the symptoms and not actually stop the reaction.
DS - peanut, tree nut, milk, eggs, corn, soy, several meds, many environmentals. Finally back on Xolair!
DD - mystery anaphylaxis, shellfish.
DH - banana/avocado, aspirin.  Asthma.
Me - peanut, tree nut, shellfish, banana/avocado/latex,  some meds.


Thanks rebekahc.

He says for now, cat will be banned from his room, and he will take benedryl when needed. He's going to call the doctor, but doubtful he will set up getting shots right now. Doctors office is a bus ride away, and at first you have to get them often. Plus probably need to get allergy tests done.


There's a Purina food the reduces the most common protein that people are allergic to. I don't know if it's available in stores or if you have to order it through the vet.

"Speak out against the madness" - David Crosby



Old topic. Different question.

Does anyone have experience with allergy shots? Interested specifically for cats, but other info welcome.

I'm pretty sure I have developed an allergy to one of my cats. Rehoming her is not an option. I prefer to not be taking antihistamine daily.

I'm hoping allergy shots will give relief without side effects. But, will they give you them if you're going to keep living with the animal?


No idea.  Are you using the Purina food that reduces the protein that causes most allergies?
"Speak out against the madness" - David Crosby


I'm using a mix of good oral care and high fibre. Skye over grooms and pukes up hair logs.


"Speak out against the madness" - David Crosby


SL - yes, not me but DD.  Allergy shots for grasses and trees and what a difference.  It takes patience and she was very reactive to the shots so she took longer than most but she no longer needs any allergy or asthma meds during tree and grass pollen seasons!  She use to need Advair, Singular plus an over the counter med like Zyrtec.

She slowly graduated to just needing Zyrtec after about 2 years in and she continued shots on campus for 2 additional years.

Now she just needs some Pataday during tree pollen season only and only during Birch and Elm.

Big difference and currently holding.  It has been 7 years since she stopped the shots.


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