I am floored by the comments to this article...

Started by IowaMom, September 14, 2012, 08:35:15 AM

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 :-/ ya that is how most people think...sad

BUT I did git one bit of info I had never thought of, one poster mentioned that smoking is banned......and it is less of a threat.......the smell?  lol

yes we ban smoking everywhere in Calif......private homes and cars are the only places left people can smoke.........funny huh



*I am super emotional this week because of pred fluctuations and am really worried that this is going to come across as argumentatitve or irritated - not the intention.*

Smoking is not necessarily less of a threat.  I have had ugly, severe asthma attacks from second hand and third hand smoke.  Asthma attacks that have meant that I needed to leave work or another place.  Definitely asthma attacks that would warrant going to the ER if it were not for my extremely aggressive management plan.  I don't worry that much about food allergies killing me (and I have had severe reactions).  I worry nearly every day that asthma will.


I don't think that your post is argumentative.  That was one of the first things I thought of as well.  Also, I hated when having to walk through smokers clustered outside entrances to buildings when I was pregnant with DD.  I still dislike it but I'm not worried about that second hand smoke being passed on to my unborn child. 
"Oh, I'm such an unholy mess of a girl."

DD allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, and egg; OAS to cantaloupe and cucumber


You know, I've yet to see a clear majority of comments to any article regarding health on the internet be positive, education, articulate, etc. Swap out food allergies for anything else and it's virtually the same. Or really, anything related to schools for that matter.

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