Sources for Peanut FREE treenuts

Started by CMdeux, October 17, 2011, 10:31:10 AM

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I think that we need a clearinghouse thread for this information!!

Many of us know of a regional grower that also retails direct or through mail-order and only deals in one (or a few) treenuts or peanuts.

This is useful information to have on hand for anyone who has an allergy to only ONE tree nut, or only to peanuts, and/or is considering a challenge to a treenut or to peanuts.

~ ~ ~

ETA -- Modified title slightly.  ~Firebird/ajasfolks2
Resistance isn't futile.  It's voltage divided by current. 

Western U.S.


Hazelnut Hill

Small, boutique operation-- they make their own chocolates and candies on-site, and process ONLY hazelnuts (and, at least in the past, some almonds) in their facility.  If you call, they can verify that they use Guittard chocolate exclusively, and they also may be able/willing to send you unshelled nuts if other treenuts (almonds, etc.) are a problem and/or have been in the facility.  They are just terrific people to deal with, by the way. 
Resistance isn't futile.  It's voltage divided by current. 

Western U.S.


Peanut free Treenuts

We've tested DS for everything I think (including pine nuts and brazil nuts--for which I don't know safe sources). 

Here's what we do (you may want to do your own source confirmation):

Almonds--Blue Diamond (not the red diamond ones).  Try the chili and lime! And the butter toffee.  Yummmmmm.  And natural ones to cook with. I can't find them slivered, so I just break them up into small pieces for cookies. They have a warning for other treenuts. There are two others--cashews and ?? Don't know if it's shared lines or just facility.

Pecans--Young Pecans. We buy them at Sam's. In fact, it's the only reason we keep a membership there. They are not labled PF, but for years we called and they don't make anything else.  Once, a few years ago, someone from the boards called and they gave a cya answer.  But we use them. IMMV.   Note--they have three trees on their logo. So does Young Plantation Pecans, which are NOT safe.  It's really confusing. 
Good one:   brown logo
Bad one: green logo with the word "plantation" in it

Note:  There is now a may contain warning on Young Pecans. I called them, and their practices have not changed. They do not process peanuts. They explained it to me, and I don't remember exactly what they said, but my sense was that it was we were not at at a real risk to our family. BUT--I cannot recommend them without qualification.

Pistachios--Get Crackin'/Wonderful Pistachios (same company). They only do pistachios and guaranteed the source several months ago. I can get them shelled and unshelled. I'm going to make some pistachio ice cream!

Macadamia--Dole Plantation (this is a new discovery--called last week--DS has eaten his first batch of white chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies and loves them!).  Dole sends them from Hawaii to and they send them back. I called both places--no peanuts. Nothing but macs there.  :)  (UNLIKE the Mauna Loa mac nuts--owned by Hershey. Those are on the same line as pn).

Cashews--Tierra Farms.  The garam masala ones are simply amazing.  Here they are:

Hazelnuts--we eat Nutella.

Many different kinds of nuts:
They say their processing is PF.  They don't talk about their sources.

I would want to know where they get their macadamia nuts. And their pine nuts.  Most pine nuts consumed in the US come from China and Russa.  I don't know where Tierra Farms pine nuts come from.

On the old boards I posted a link to pf tree nuts in my Duke thread in main.  I have not used them yet and can't remember them now.  But sometime I'll go over there and dig.

OOOh--found it!!!

QuoteSee "Why Futters Nut Butter?"
As a family run woman owned business, we take special pride in offering a wide variety of
high quality, unique and healthy products and in doing our part to help sustain our environment. Our nut butter products are processed in a peanut free facility daily, to assure the optimal freshness for your order and packaged in glass jars. Our products contain:

* No Cholesterol
* No Salt or Sugar
* No Preservatives or Additives
* No Gluten
* Unsweetened real chocolate alternatives * Low Saturated Fat, No Trans Fats
* Low "Net" Carbs
* Multiple Antioxidants
* No Dairy or Peanuts.
* Made in a Peanut-Free facility

DS: 🥜, 🍤


For the nuts themselves, Delta Pecan doesn't process any other nut or soy.  Although that email is from January and I now see a whole lot of gourmet pecan candies on their site now.  Not sure if those are processed separately or what.

Barney Butter has a peanut and gluten-free facility for their almond butter.  I'm thinking it's also free of other tree nuts and soy, but I can't confirm that, just a vague memory.  I don't have an email saved, though, so maybe I'm imagining things.

I like the pecans I buy at Sam's--the ones McC listed.

DS (04/07) eggs (baked okay now!)
DD (03/12) eggs (small dose baked), stevia
DH histamine intolerance
Me?  Some days it seems like everything.


The 3 is silent.


Pinenuts potentially free of other nuts and peanuts:

Possible source would be in Northern Nevada -- buying PINON PINE nuts from Nevada.

They would come IN SHELL and you would have to scrub them and roast yourself, as well as then shell them.

These are a seasonal item.  You'd need trusted friend or family member in the area to source them (local stores as one resource, including possibly Raley's).

However, would need to concern yourself with possible X-contam at commercial establishment, esp if these are in bulk bin area.

If I come across a DIRECT SUPPLIER source (say tribal source) I'll try to remember to get that in here as well.

~ ~ ~

There is also a New Mexico variety -- might be able to do the same via New Mexico.

Is this where I blame iPhone and cuss like an old fighter pilot's wife?

**(&%@@&%$^%$#^%$#$*&      LOL!!   


ETA -- I see this supplier online, but note that they also sell Black Walnuts -- would have to check with them as to cross-contamination.

AND -- there is permit and option to gather for yourself each year (25 lb limit)

Is this where I blame iPhone and cuss like an old fighter pilot's wife?

**(&%@@&%$^%$#^%$#$*&      LOL!!   


DS: 🥜, 🍤


DS: 🥜, 🍤


Is this where I blame iPhone and cuss like an old fighter pilot's wife?

**(&%@@&%$^%$#^%$#$*&      LOL!!   


Used with permission.
From Facebook (closed) group Peanut Anaphylaxis Cure
link, if you wish to ask to be added to group by their Admin:!/groups/peanutanaphylaxiscure/doc/429452020413816/

Copy of their 2012 list of peanut-free TREE nuts (Yes, some dups and overlap here, but leaving the list in tact):
Peanut-free TREE NUT Companies

Make sure to CHECK WITH THE COMPANY/FARM before ordering. 
Some tree nuts "may contain" other tree nuts. 
Some are exclusive to the nut they grow.   
So far, these are the resources we have found for peanut-free treenuts:

Barney Butter: Peanut-free almonds, almond butter, and almond flour.   

Blue Mountain Organics: Peanut-free treenuts, seeds and spreads.

Big Tree Organics:
Almonds processed in an "almond only" facility.

Blue Diamond:
Peanut-free but processes other treenuts.   

Wonderful Pistachios: Peanut-free but processes almonds.   

Carrie Farms: Peanut-free Walnuts and Almonds.   

Organic Walnut Farm: Peanut-free Walnuts.   

Haag Family Farm: Peanut-free Walnuts.   

Daniels Farm: Peanut-free Pecans.   

Wholesale PineNuts .com Peanut-free and OTHER tree nut- free pine nuts. Exclusively Pine Nuts.   

Western India Cashew Company:   

Sunshine International Foods: Sesame King Tahini   

Now Foods: Peanut-free treenuts
Search their site for "peanut-free" for more products. Search "nuts" for tree nuts.   

NUTS for Nature (ORGANIC): Peanut-free tree nuts and butters.   

Nutella: Peanut-free Hazelnut-Chocolate Spread.   

Futters Nut Butters: Peanut-free Nut Butters   

Rise Bars: All Rise Bars are vegetarian, Kosher, gluten-free, soy-free and peanut-free. Member found on!!!     

Hawaiian Host: Peanut-free but processes almonds. *Mute computer before loading if children are sleeping.  Website plays music.

Zinke Orchards Natural Almonds and Almond products.   

Tierra Farms: Peanut-free and ORGANIC treenuts.   
Here's an e-mail description:   Hi Anna, The cashews are processed in factories that are dedicated to only  cashews, the pine nuts are  processed in a factory that also processes  sunflower seeds and pumpkin  seeds.  All of the raw materials come to us  in vacuum sealed containers.   Thanks for checking, Dan Laiosa Tierra Farm 888-674-6887 

   ***Thank you everyone for helping to find these companies!!!

Is this where I blame iPhone and cuss like an old fighter pilot's wife?

**(&%@@&%$^%$#^%$#$*&      LOL!!   


Anyone have updates to add here for any specific nuts?

Anyone want to coach me in how/when to harvest pecans from my own trees?

Still trying to determine other poss nut trees on our property -- maybe black walnut?  Not sure . . .

One of our kids may challenge out of most nut allergies and the other out of a couple over the next few months . . . pretty excited, but will be family decision on what we will allow in the home (one child may be nonallergic to certain nuts that other is ana to, so that would be a no-go most likely in this house . . . too hard to keep things segregated and STRAIGHT!)

Is this where I blame iPhone and cuss like an old fighter pilot's wife?

**(&%@@&%$^%$#^%$#$*&      LOL!!   


Hello all,

I just wondered if there were any UK folk over here who could advise me on where/how to get peanut free tree nuts in the UK.

Thank you


Mother to peanut allergic (anaphylactic) child who has passed a couple of oral challenges to tree nuts.



Looks as though we may be hunting for single-sourced almonds soon.
Resistance isn't futile.  It's voltage divided by current. 

Western U.S.


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